Monday, 13 August 2007

Bubbled $215

Played a $3 rebuy entry into Party's guaranteed $300k tourney today. I played really well I think, until there were 6 players left. At that time I decided it would be a good idea to start shoving into the player to my right, who had 130k. I had ~ 136k, and the shorty had 80K. I needed the blinds, yes, but this player wasn't good enough to resteal, so I could have 2.5BB raised and usually got the same result. I feel like an idiot, I shoved, was crippled and bubbled. So massively -EV, I'm a retard.

Currently ITM in the same $11 I played yesterday. Slightly bigger field, 159 entrants. I'm just above average w/ 15 left. Hopefully 2 FTs in 2days of the same event. We shall see. I may even make back my rebuy money! (2 rebuys 1 add on = $10.20)

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