Friday, 17 August 2007

Back to SnGs

After enjoying myself playing MTTs and donking around in cash games, I've spent the last couple of days trying to move up to $22 SnGs, as promised in my last blog. Well, it didn't start to well, yesterday's results:

Played - 8
ITM - 0%
ROI - -100%
Net profit - -$176.

So, again as promised, I analysed my play more thoroughly than I ever have before. I found that I was playing some of my best SnGs to date, my push/fold was spot on, my early level play was solid. 8 is such a tiny sample size in these turbos so I just have to accept it and chalk it up as variance.

Today was much more promising...

Played - 4
ITM - 50%
ROI - 81%
Net profit - $72

So a first and a second. It's frustrating to be playing such a small volume, but I feel like I am really learning and thinking about every decision as I am playing. Over time, hopefully still at the $22s, I will add tables, first to 6, then 1 by 1 to 9. Again, self analysis showed I am playing very solid poker, a couple of slightly wayward pushes but nothing to worry about. I will probably only play 4 or 8 again tomorrow, will post results and then the week results on Tuesday morning.

On a positive note, I have nearly finished working nights! 8 days to go :D

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